Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Frog Tape Shapes DIY and Review

I have always loved the look of chevrons, but when I would attempt to create them by myself they would always look a little bit off. When I saw an ad for the frog tape shapes, I just knew that I would have to try it out to see if my chevrons would turn out as perfectly as I imagined.

I decided to use the tape on three 12 x 12 canvases with the intent to use them as art above my bed.
I started out by attached the canvases together so that the pattern would be connected between them.
I then applied tape across the three canvases and smoothed the tape with a credit card. 

 I cut the canvases apart and put blue tape around the edge of each to make it easier to paint. 

To make sure that the tape was extra secure I had the canvases sit upside down with books on top of them over night. With a bonus cat picture!

I painted the two side canvases with a gold paint. On a side note although I love the look of this paint it is very difficult to get even looking coats. When I painted I tried to avoid brushing towards the tape and instead tried to brush away from it.

Here is the canvas after one coat. 

Here is the canvas after two coats. I started to get a little worried because the tape was bubbling. I ended up doing three coats to get the paint looking nice and even. 

For the middle canvas I used gold glitter. 

Here is a shot of me peeling off the tape. The lines ended up looking really sharp which made me extremely happy.

 For the glitter canvas I sealed it with a three coats of Mod Podge

Looking nice and sealed! 

Here they are all together! 

I am really happy with the way this project worked out. The Frog Tape Shapes made it really easy to make chevrons look perfect.

Here they are all on the wall.

Disclaimer: Everything used in this DIY was purchased by me and all opinions are my own.

Extra Note: This is my first ever blog post! I look forward to sharing my DIYs, Shopping adventures, and just my life in general. 

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